How do I delete Announcement?

Students can only delete announcements within a group. There are a couple of ways to delete an announcement.

Choose Group

Click on the Group you want to access.

Open Announcements

Click the Announcements link.

View Announcement Page

After clicking on the Announcement link, you will be directed to the Announcement page where all the Announcements for the group are located.

Option 1: Use Announcement Checkbox

Find the Announcement you want to delete. Click the Announcement checkbox [1] and then click the Trash button [2].

Note: You can select multiple announcements to delete them.

Option 2: Locate Announcement

Click the Announcement title link

Use Settings Icon

Click the settings icon [1] and then click the Delete link [2].

Delete Announcement

A popup window will appear to ask if you are sure you want to delete the announcement. Click the OK button to delete the announcement.