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How are courses and sections related
How can I edit my Rubric any more
How does cross listing work in Sublime LMS
How do I add an administrative user to an account
How do I bookmark account level Question Banks
How do I change open registration settings for my account
How do I change self enrollment settings for my account
How do I change the language preference for my institution s entire account
How do I change the language preference in my user account
How do I clear my Chrome browser cache
How do I clear my Firefox browser cache on a Mac
How do I clear my Firefox browser cache on a Windows system
How do I conclude my course at the end of a semester
How do I configure an External Application for an account using a URL
How do I configure an External Application for an account using XML
How do I create account level Question Banks
How do I create account level roles
How do I create an account level Grading Scheme
How do I create an account level Rubric
How do I create an account level user role that can manage Rubrics and Outcomes
How do I create a new group set at the account level
How do I create an Outcome for my account
How do I create a sub account
How do I create a sub account user role that can manage Rubrics and Outcomes
How do I create course level roles
How do I create groups at the account level
How do I create Outcome groups for my account
How do I cross list a section
How do I de cross list a Section
How do I delete account level Question Banks
How do I delete a course in my account
How do I delete an account level Grading Scheme
How do I delete an account level Rubric
How do I delete a sub account
How do I delete a user from my account
How do I display the one time popup warning on the Notifications page
How do I edit a section s details
How do I edit a user s details in my account
How do I edit a user s sortable name
How do I edit the name of a sub account
How do I filter courses
How do I find courses
How do I find users in my account
How do I hide a sub account
How do I know how many courses are in my Sublime LMS instance
How do I manage new features for my institution
How do I manage profile pictures for users in my account
How do I manually add a new user to my account
How do I manually configure an External Application for an account
How do I manually create a course
How do I manually create a section
How do I masquerade as a user
How do I merge users in my account
How do I message a user in my account
How do I organize sub accounts
How do I set a time zone in my User Settings
How do I set permissions for an account level admin
How do I set permissions for course level roles
How do I set up term dates effectively
How do I track Student progress on a Learning Outcome
How do I un conclude a course
How do I view a sub account
How do I view groups at the account level
How do I view my courses
How do I view the courses in my account
How do I view the enrollments for a user in my account
If I change a question in a Question Bank will it change automatically in the Quiz
What are account level Grading Schemes
What are account level Question Banks
What are account level Rubrics
What are accounts and sub accounts
What are my account settings
What are SIS Imports
What are the basic computer specifications for Sublime LMS
What are the differences between course level roles and account level roles
What do I do if a course extends for more than one term
What do I do if a student has an incomplete
What do the different icons on the permissions page mean
What is a Term
What is LTI
What is the difference between self enrollment and open registration
What is the relationship between SIS term dates course dates and section dates
What Reports are available at the account level
What should I encourage instructors to do at the beginning and end of each term
Where are my account level Grading Schemes
Where are my account level Question Banks
Where are my account level Rubrics
Where do I find Outcomes reports for Student in my account
Which browsers does Sublime LMS support
Accounts & Subaccounts
How do I add an administrative user to an account
How do I change self enrollment settings for my account
How do I create a sub account
How do I delete a sub account
How do I edit the name of a sub account
How do I hide a sub account
How do I organize sub accounts
How do I view a sub account
What are accounts and sub accounts
Computer Specifications
How do I clear my Chrome browser cache
How do I clear my Firefox browser cache on a Mac
How do I clear my Firefox browser cache on a Windows system
What are the basic computer specifications for Sublime LMS
Which browsers does Sublime LMS support
Courses & Sections
How are courses and sections related
How do I conclude my course at the end of a semester
How do I cross list a section
How do I de cross list a Section
How do I delete a course in my account
How do I edit a section s details
How do I filter courses
How do I find courses
How do I manually create a course
How do I manually create a section
How do I un conclude a course
How do I view my courses
How do I view the courses in my account
How does cross listing work in Sublime LMS
External App
How do I configure an External Application for an account using XML
How do I configure an External Application for an account using a URL
How do I manually configure an External Application for an account
What is LTI
Grading Schemes
How do I create an account level Grading Scheme
How do I delete an account level Grading Scheme
What are account level Grading Schemes
Where are my account level Grading Schemes
How do I change the language preference for my institution s entire account
How do I change the language preference in my user account
How do I create Outcome groups for my account
How do I create a sub account user role that can manage Rubrics and Outcomes
How do I create an Outcome for my account
How do I create an account level user role that can manage Rubrics and Outcomes
How do I track Student progress on a Learning Outcome
Where do I find Outcomes reports for Student in my account
Question Banks
How do I bookmark account level Question Banks
How do I create account level Question Banks
How do I delete account level Question Banks
If I change a question in a Question Bank will it change automatically in the Quiz
What are account level Question Banks
Where are my account level Question Banks
Reports & Statistics
How do I know how many courses are in my Sublime LMS instance
What Reports are available at the account level
Roles & Permissions
How do I create account level roles
How do I create course level roles
How do I set permissions for an account level admin
How do I set permissions for course level roles
What are the differences between course level roles and account level roles
What do the different icons on the permissions page mean
How can I edit my Rubric any more
How do I create an account level Rubric
How do I delete an account level Rubric
What are account level Rubrics
Where are my account level Rubrics
SIS Import
What are SIS Imports
How do I change open registration settings for my account
How do I display the one time popup warning on the Notifications page
How do I manage new features for my institution
What are my account settings
What is the difference between self enrollment and open registration
How do I set up term dates effectively
What do I do if a course extends for more than one term
What is a Term
What is the relationship between SIS term dates course dates and section dates
What should I encourage instructors to do at the beginning and end of each term
How do I create a new group set at the account level
How do I create groups at the account level
How do I delete a user from my account
How do I edit a user s details in my account
How do I edit a user s sortable name
How do I find users in my account
How do I manage profile pictures for users in my account
How do I manually add a new user to my account
How do I masquerade as a user
How do I merge users in my account
How do I message a user in my account
How do I set a time zone in my User Settings
How do I view groups at the account level
How do I view the enrollments for a user in my account
What do I do if a student has an incomplete