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Search for answers
Can a student resubmit any Assignment
How are Announcements listed
How are Instructors added to a course
How are Students added to a course
How can I change the Course Home Page Layout
How can I view Grades for concluded student enrollments
How can I view Grades for concluded student enrollments
How do a teacher logs in to Open LMS
How do I access my course Calendar
How do I access my Profile and personal Settings
How do I access People
How do I access Student View
How do I access the Conversations Inbox
How do I add a file to my course
How do I add an additional email address in Sublime LMS
How do I add an Assignment to an Assignment Group
How do I add an event to the course Calendar
How do I add an external RSS feed to my Announcement
How do I add a personal reminder to my Calendar
How do I add a Rubric to a Graded Discussion
How do I add a Rubric to an Assignment
How do I add a Rubric to a Quiz
How do I add a section to my course
How do I add Assignment Groups
How do I add content to my Announcement
How do I add content to my Assignment
How do I add duplicate Module items
How do I add items to a Module
How do I add or edit points for an Assignment
How do I add requirements to a Module
How do I add reward for my course
How do I add students to a section
How do I add text to a Module
How do I adjust my Notification Preferences for Conversations
How do I adjust my Notification Preferences for Grades
How do I adjust my Notification Preferences for Grades
How do I align an Outcome with a Question Bank
How do I align an outcome with rubric
How do I align text using the Rich Content Editor
How do I archive a Conversation
How do I attach a file to a Discussion reply
How do I attach a file to a message
How do I attach a file to an Announcement
How do I automatically assign peer reviews
How do I bookmark a Question Bank
How do I bulk download Assignment submissions in Sublime LMS
How do I bulk download Assignment submissions in Sublime LMS
How do I bulk upload files to my course
How do I change a Page name
How do I change assignment group weights in the Gradebook
How do I change assignment group weights in the Gradebook
How do I change my course name and course code
How do I change my default email address
How do I change my Full Name Display Name and Time Zone
How do I change my login password
How do I change self enrollment settings for my course
How do I change the date of an Event or Assignment on the Calendar
How do I change the language preference for my course
How do I change the name of a section
How do I change the name of my ePortfolio
How do I change the start and end dates for my course
How do I close a Discussion for comments
How do I close an Announcement for comments
How do I compose and send a message
How do I conclude an enrollment in my course
How do I copy a Sublime LMS course
How do I create a bulleted or numbered list using the Rich Content Editor
How do I create a folder in Files
How do I create a hyperlink in the Rich Content Editor
How do I create a Multiple Choice question
How do I create an Assignment shell from the Calendar
How do I create an Assignment shell on the Assignments page
How do I create a new ePortfolio
How do I create a new ePortfolio section
How do I create a new Modules
How do I create a new Page
How do I create a new page in my ePortfolio section
How do I create a new Quiz with a Question Bank
How do I create a new Quiz with a Question Group
How do I create a new Quiz with individual Questions
How do I create a peer review assignment
How do I create a Question Bank
How do I create a Rubric
How do I create a student group assignment
How do I create a Survey
How do I create a Threaded Discussion
How do I create a TrueFalse question
How do I create Likert scale questions
How do I create Outcome groups for my course
How do I create varied due date Assignments
How do I create varied due date Graded Discussions
How do I create varied due date Quizzes
How do I curve Grades in the Gradebook
How do I curve Grades in the Gradebook
How do I customize Course Navigation Links
How do I delay posting an Announcement until a specific date
How do I delete a Conversation
How do I delete a file
How do I delete a Module
How do I delete an Announcement
How do I delete an enrollment in my course
How do I delete a Quiz
How do I delete a section
How do I delete Pages
How do I disable comments in Announcements for the entire course
How do I download a folder in zip format
How do I download a single file
How do I download Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I download Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I download scores from the Gradebook
How do I download scores from the Gradebook
How do I edit an Announcement
How do I edit a section s details
How do I edit Assignment details
How do I edit content in the HTML view in the Rich Content Editor
How do I edit Module items
How do I edit my Profile
How do I edit or delete my Discussion posts
How do I edit Pages
How do I edit Rubric details
How do I edit the default page in my ePortfolio section
How do I edit the Syllabus description
How do I embed an image file in a Discussion reply
How do I embed a video in a Page
How do I embed iFrame videos using the Rich Content Editor
How do I enable a grading scheme for my course
How do I enable self enrollment with a join code
How do I enable self enrollment with a secret URL
How do I enter and edit scores in the Gradebook
How do I enter and edit scores in the Gradebook
How do I Evaluate Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I Evaluate Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I evaluate group work
How do I evaluate group work
How do I expand or collapse Module contents
How do I export a LMS course
How do I export Quiz content
How do I filter Conversations
How do I filter my Calendar view by course
How do I find a student submission in Grading Tool
How do I find a student submission in Grading Tool
How do I find existing Rubrics
How do I find my unread messages in Conversations
How do I forward a message from a Conversation
How do I get back to the Assignment Home Page from Grading Tool
How do I get back to the Assignment Home Page from Grading Tool
How do I get to Grading Tool from an Assignment Quiz or Graded Discussion
How do I get to Grading Tool from an Assignment Quiz or Graded Discussion
How do I get to Grading Tool from the Gradebook
How do I get to Grading Tool from the Gradebook
How do I grade student work with Rubrics
How do I hide and filter students in the Gradebook
How do I hide and filter students in the Gradebook
How do I hide student names in Grading Tool
How do I hide student names in Grading Tool
How do I hide the box and whisker plot grade distribution graphs from students
How do I hide totals in my students grade summaries
How do I import a Question Bank from one course to another
How do I import a Sublime LMS course export package
How do I import content from another Sublime LMS course
How do I import zip files
How do I insert a table using the Rich Content Editor
How do I insert course files into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector
How do I insert course images into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector
How do I insert links to course content into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector
How do I invite students into my course shell
How do I leave comments for students in the Gradebook
How do I leave comments for students in the Gradebook
How do I leave feedback for my students in Grading Tool
How do I leave feedback for my students in Grading Tool
How do I limit the number of appointments a student can sign up for within an appointment group
How do I limit the number of attendees for an appointment
How do I link course content to a Quiz question
How do I link to an un configured External Tools in Modules
How do I link to a YouTubeO video
How do I link to a YouTube video in a Discussion reply
How do I lock a Module
How do I lock files and folders
How do I log in
How do I logout
How do I make an Announcement
How do I make a Quiz available before or after the due date
How do I make a Quiz show one question at a time
How do I manage course level rubrics
How do I manage new features for my course
How do I manually approve rewards
How do I manually assign peer reviews
How do I manually configure an External Application for a course
How do I mark Discussion posts as read or unread
How do I move and organize my files
How do I movecopy a question from one bank to another
How do I move multiple questions from one bank to another
How do I mute an assignment in the Gradebook
How do I mute an assignment in the Gradebook
How do I mute or unmute an Assignment in Grading Tool
How do I mute or unmute an Assignment in Grading Tool
How do I navigate a course
How do I navigate Syllabus table and Calender
How do I open a Rubric in Grading Tool
How do I open a Rubric in Grading Tool
How do I pin a Discussion on the Index Page
How do I preview a file
How do I preview a page in my portfolio
How do I randomize the order of the questions on my quiz
How do I remove an SMS communication channel
How do I remove formatting from text I am pasting from another source
How do I remove Module items
How do I remove students from an appointment
How do I reorder and hide Course Navigation links
How do I reorder Modules
How do I reply to a Discussion
How do I reply to a message in Conversations
How do I reply to an Announcement
How do I require students to move through each Module item in order
How do I require students to post to an Announcement before they see replies
How do I reset course content
How do I restrict online submission file types
How do I send a message to an entire class
How do I send a message to my students from the Gradebook
How do I send a message to my students from the Gradebook
How do I set a default grade for an Assignment
How do I set a default grade for an Assignment
How do I set a different Calendar event date for each section in my course
How do I set a license for my course and make it publicly visible
How do I set a time zone for my course
How do I set my Notification Preferences
How do I sets rewards for a course
How do I set the auto open for inline preview for Files using the Rich Content Editor
How do I set up prerequisite Modules
How do I sort Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I sort Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I sort my Gradebook
How do I sort my Gradebook
How do I star Conversations
How do I start a new Discussion
How do I subscribe to a Discussion as a instructor
How do I subscribe to the Calendar Feed using Google Calendar
How do I track my progress and the average grade in Grading Tool
How do I track my progress and the average grade in Grading Tool
How do I track student progress on a Learning Outcome
How do I treat ungraded assignments as zero in the Gradebook
How do I treat ungraded assignments as zero in the Gradebook
How do I unbookmark a Question Bank
How do I upload changes to the Gradebook
How do I upload changes to the Gradebook
How do I use duplicate Module items as checkpoints in my course
How do I use free form comments
How do I use grading history in the Gradebook
How do I use grading history in the Gradebook
How do I use Grading Tool
How do I use Image option in Wiki Tool
How do I use Modules on wiki Tool
How do I use Page Template
How do I use the Announcements Index Page
How do I use the Dashboard
How do I use the Discussions Index Page
How do I use the Font Size and Paragraph drop down menus to style my text
How do I use the Gradebook
How do I use the Gradebook
How do I use the HTML Editor in Files
How do I use the Math Editor
How do I use the Notes column in the Gradebook
How do I use the Notes column in the Gradebook
How do I use the Scheduler
How do I view an Announcement RSS feed
How do I view assignment details in the Gradebook
How do I view assignment details in the Gradebook
How do I view Assignments
How do I view Leader board in Sublime LMS
How do I view my students total grades as a point value instead of a percentage
How do I view my students total grades as a point value instead of a percentage
How do I view past versions of submissions in Grading Tool
How do I view past versions of submissions in Grading Tool
How do I View Section Enrollments
How do I view Survey results
How do I view the Calendar
How do I view the progress of my students in modules
How do I view the Student Interactions Report
How do I view the Student Interactions Report
How do I weight the final grade based on Assignment Groups
How do Notification Preferences work
How many messages are in this Conversation
How to add badges to your classes
How to add Certificates to your modules
How to manually award badge to student
How to manually award certificates to student
Once I publish my Quiz how do I make additional changes
Once I publish my Quiz what kinds of quiz statistics are available
What are announcements
What are Assignments
What are Course Navigation indicators
What are Course Statistics
What are Discussions
What are Files
What are Grades and the Gradebook
What are Grades and the Gradebook
What are Modules
What are Outcomes
What are the different Assignment types
What are the different online submission types
What are the different types of Quizzes
What are Varied Due Dates
What are What If Grades
What are What If Grades
What content can I add to my ePortfolio page
What course settings do I have control over
What does the Course Import tool do
What do one question at a time quizzes look like for students
What do Quiz results look like
What do the icons and colors in the Gradebook represent
What is an ePortfolio
What is a Rubric
What is Course Navigation
What is my File Storage quota for my course
What is Student View
What is Syllabus
What is the Calendar
What is the Content Selector
What is the Conversations Inbox
What is the Course Setup Checklist
What is the Dashboard
What is the difference between Announcements and Discussions
What is the difference between due dates and availability dates
What is the ePortfolio dashboard
What is the Rich Content Editor
What is Wiki Tools
What options are available for Quizzes
What types of media files can be uploaded into LMS
When would I use the Scheduler
When would I use the Syllabus
When would I use Threaded Discussions
Where are my course Files
Where are my group Files
Where are my personal Files
Where can I find statistics about Assignments and submissions
Where can I find statistics about online interactions with my students
Where can I find statistics about when students are accessing the course
Where can I find statistics on file storage
Where can I find the student view of the Gradebook
Where can I find the student view of the Gradebook
Where do I find Outcomes reports for students
Where is the HTML Editor
Why can t I see other responses to the Discussion
How are Announcements listed
How do I add an external RSS feed to my Announcement
How do I add content to my Announcement
How do I attach a file to an Announcement
How do I close an Announcement for comments
How do I delay posting an Announcement until a specific date
How do I delete an Announcement
How do I edit an Announcement
How do I make an Announcement
How do I reply to an Announcement
How do I require students to post to an Announcement before they see replies
How do I use the Announcements Index Page
How do I view an Announcement RSS feed
What are announcements
Can a student resubmit any Assignment
How do I add Assignment Groups
How do I add an Assignment to an Assignment Group
How do I add content to my Assignment
How do I add or edit points for an Assignment
How do I automatically assign peer reviews
How do I create a peer review assignment
How do I create a student group assignment
How do I create an Assignment shell on the Assignments page
How do I create varied due date Assignments
How do I edit Assignment details
How do I manually assign peer reviews
How do I restrict online submission file types
How do I view Assignments
How do I weight the final grade based on Assignment Groups
What are Assignments
What are the different Assignment types
What are the different online submission types
Where can I find statistics about Assignments and submissions
How to add badges to your classes
How to manually award badge to student
How do I access my course Calendar
How do I add a personal reminder to my Calendar
How do I add an event to the course Calendar
How do I change the date of an Event or Assignment on the Calendar
How do I create an Assignment shell from the Calendar
How do I filter my Calendar view by course
How do I limit the number of appointments a student can sign up for within an appointment group
How do I limit the number of attendees for an appointment
How do I remove students from an appointment
How do I set a different Calendar event date for each section in my course
How do I subscribe to the Calendar Feed using Google Calendar
How do I use the Scheduler
How do I view the Calendar
What is the Calendar
When would I use the Scheduler
How to add Certificates to your modules
How to manually award certificates to student
How do I access the Conversations Inbox
How do I adjust my Notification Preferences for Conversations
How do I archive a Conversation
How do I attach a file to a message
How do I compose and send a message
How do I delete a Conversation
How do I filter Conversations
How do I find my unread messages in Conversations
How do I forward a message from a Conversation
How do I reply to a message in Conversations
How do I send a message to an entire class
How do I star Conversations
How many messages are in this Conversation
What is the Conversations Inbox
Course Navigation
How do I navigate a course
How do I reorder and hide Course Navigation links
What are Course Navigation indicators
What is Course Navigation
Course Statistics
What are Course Statistics
Where can I find statistics about online interactions with my students
Where can I find statistics about when students are accessing the course
Where can I find statistics on file storage
How can I change the Course Home Page Layout
How do I log in
How do I logout
How do I use the Dashboard
How do a teacher logs in to Open LMS
What is the Course Setup Checklist
What is the Dashboard
How do I attach a file to a Discussion reply
How do I close a Discussion for comments
How do I create a Threaded Discussion
How do I create varied due date Graded Discussions
How do I edit or delete my Discussion posts
How do I embed an image file in a Discussion reply
How do I link to a YouTube video in a Discussion reply
How do I mark Discussion posts as read or unread
How do I pin a Discussion on the Index Page
How do I reply to a Discussion
How do I start a new Discussion
How do I subscribe to a Discussion as a instructor
How do I use the Discussions Index Page
What are Discussions
What is the difference between Announcements and Discussions
When would I use Threaded Discussions
Why can t I see other responses to the Discussion
How do I add a file to my course
How do I bulk upload files to my course
How do I create a folder in Files
How do I delete a file
How do I download a folder in zip format
How do I download a single file
How do I import zip files
How do I lock files and folders
How do I move and organize my files
How do I preview a file
How do I use the HTML Editor in Files
What are Files
What is my File Storage quota for my course
What types of media files can be uploaded into LMS
Where are my course Files
Where are my group Files
Where are my personal Files
Where is the HTML Editor
How can I view Grades for concluded student enrollments
How do I adjust my Notification Preferences for Grades
How do I bulk download Assignment submissions in Sublime LMS
How do I change assignment group weights in the Gradebook
How do I curve Grades in the Gradebook
How do I download scores from the Gradebook
How do I enter and edit scores in the Gradebook
How do I evaluate group work
How do I hide and filter students in the Gradebook
How do I leave comments for students in the Gradebook
How do I mute an assignment in the Gradebook
How do I send a message to my students from the Gradebook
How do I set a default grade for an Assignment
How do I sort my Gradebook
How do I treat ungraded assignments as zero in the Gradebook
How do I upload changes to the Gradebook
How do I use grading history in the Gradebook
How do I use the Gradebook
How do I use the Notes column in the Gradebook
How do I view assignment details in the Gradebook
How do I view my students total grades as a point value instead of a percentage
How do I view the Student Interactions Report
What are Grades and the Gradebook
What are What If Grades
Where can I find the student view of the Gradebook
How can I view Grades for concluded student enrollments
How do I adjust my Notification Preferences for Grades
How do I bulk download Assignment submissions in Sublime LMS
How do I change assignment group weights in the Gradebook
How do I curve Grades in the Gradebook
How do I download scores from the Gradebook
How do I enter and edit scores in the Gradebook
How do I evaluate group work
How do I hide and filter students in the Gradebook
How do I leave comments for students in the Gradebook
How do I mute an assignment in the Gradebook
How do I send a message to my students from the Gradebook
How do I set a default grade for an Assignment
How do I sort my Gradebook
How do I treat ungraded assignments as zero in the Gradebook
How do I upload changes to the Gradebook
How do I use grading history in the Gradebook
How do I use the Gradebook
How do I use the Notes column in the Gradebook
How do I view assignment details in the Gradebook
How do I view my students total grades as a point value instead of a percentage
How do I view the Student Interactions Report
What are Grades and the Gradebook
What are What If Grades
What do the icons and colors in the Gradebook represent
Where can I find the student view of the Gradebook
Grading Tool
How do I Evaluate Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I download Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I find a student submission in Grading Tool
How do I get back to the Assignment Home Page from Grading Tool
How do I get to Grading Tool from an Assignment Quiz or Graded Discussion
How do I get to Grading Tool from the Gradebook
How do I hide student names in Grading Tool
How do I leave feedback for my students in Grading Tool
How do I mute or unmute an Assignment in Grading Tool
How do I open a Rubric in Grading Tool
How do I sort Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I track my progress and the average grade in Grading Tool
How do I view past versions of submissions in Grading Tool
Import & Export
How do I copy a Sublime LMS course
How do I export a LMS course
How do I import a Sublime LMS course export package
How do I import content from another Sublime LMS course
What does the Course Import tool do
How do I view Leader board in Sublime LMS
How do I add duplicate Module items
How do I add items to a Module
How do I add requirements to a Module
How do I add text to a Module
How do I create a new Modules
How do I delete a Module
How do I edit Module items
How do I expand or collapse Module contents
How do I link to an un configured External Tools in Modules
How do I lock a Module
How do I remove Module items
How do I reorder Modules
How do I require students to move through each Module item in order
How do I set up prerequisite Modules
How do I use duplicate Module items as checkpoints in my course
How do I view the progress of my students in modules
What are Modules
How do I align an Outcome with a Question Bank
How do I align an outcome with rubric
How do I create Outcome groups for my course
How do I track student progress on a Learning Outcome
What are Outcomes
Where do I find Outcomes reports for students
How do I change a Page name
How do I create a new Page
How do I delete Pages
How do I edit Pages
How do I embed a video in a Page
How are Instructors added to a course
How are Students added to a course
How do I access People
How do I add students to a section
How do I invite students into my course shell
Personal Settings
How do I access my Profile and personal Settings
How do I add an additional email address in Sublime LMS
How do I change my Full Name Display Name and Time Zone
How do I change my default email address
How do I change my login password
How do I edit my Profile
How do I remove an SMS communication channel
How do I set my Notification Preferences
How do Notification Preferences work
How do I bookmark a Question Bank
How do I create Likert scale questions
How do I create a Multiple Choice question
How do I create a Question Bank
How do I create a Survey
How do I create a TrueFalse question
How do I create a new Quiz with a Question Bank
How do I create a new Quiz with a Question Group
How do I create a new Quiz with individual Questions
How do I create varied due date Quizzes
How do I delete a Quiz
How do I export Quiz content
How do I import a Question Bank from one course to another
How do I link course content to a Quiz question
How do I make a Quiz available before or after the due date
How do I make a Quiz show one question at a time
How do I move multiple questions from one bank to another
How do I movecopy a question from one bank to another
How do I randomize the order of the questions on my quiz
How do I unbookmark a Question Bank
How do I view Survey results
Once I publish my Quiz how do I make additional changes
Once I publish my Quiz what kinds of quiz statistics are available
What are Varied Due Dates
What are the different types of Quizzes
What do Quiz results look like
What do one question at a time quizzes look like for students
What is the difference between due dates and availability dates
What options are available for Quizzes
Refferal System
How do I manually approve rewards
How do I sets rewards for a course
Rich content editor
How do I align text using the Rich Content Editor
How do I create a bulleted or numbered list using the Rich Content Editor
How do I create a hyperlink in the Rich Content Editor
How do I edit content in the HTML view in the Rich Content Editor
How do I embed iFrame videos using the Rich Content Editor
How do I insert a table using the Rich Content Editor
How do I insert course files into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector
How do I insert course images into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector
How do I insert links to course content into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector
How do I link to a YouTubeO video
How do I remove formatting from text I am pasting from another source
How do I set the auto open for inline preview for Files using the Rich Content Editor
How do I use the Font Size and Paragraph drop down menus to style my text
How do I use the Math Editor
What is the Content Selector
What is the Rich Content Editor
How do I add a Rubric to a Graded Discussion
How do I add a Rubric to a Quiz
How do I add a Rubric to an Assignment
How do I create a Rubric
How do I edit Rubric details
How do I find existing Rubrics
How do I grade student work with Rubrics
How do I manage course level rubrics
How do I use free form comments
What is a Rubric
How do I View Section Enrollments
How do I access Student View
How do I add a section to my course
How do I add reward for my course
How do I change my course name and course code
How do I change self enrollment settings for my course
How do I change the language preference for my course
How do I change the name of a section
How do I change the start and end dates for my course
How do I conclude an enrollment in my course
How do I customize Course Navigation Links
How do I delete a section
How do I delete an enrollment in my course
How do I disable comments in Announcements for the entire course
How do I edit a section s details
How do I enable a grading scheme for my course
How do I enable self enrollment with a join code
How do I enable self enrollment with a secret URL
How do I hide the box and whisker plot grade distribution graphs from students
How do I hide totals in my students grade summaries
How do I manage new features for my course
How do I manually configure an External Application for a course
How do I reset course content
How do I set a license for my course and make it publicly visible
How do I set a time zone for my course
What course settings do I have control over
What is Student View
Speed Grader
How do I Evaluate Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I download Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I find a student submission in Grading Tool
How do I get back to the Assignment Home Page from Grading Tool
How do I get to Grading Tool from an Assignment Quiz or Graded Discussion
How do I get to Grading Tool from the Gradebook
How do I hide student names in Grading Tool
How do I leave feedback for my students in Grading Tool
How do I mute or unmute an Assignment in Grading Tool
How do I open a Rubric in Grading Tool
How do I sort Assignments in Grading Tool
How do I track my progress and the average grade in Grading Tool
How do I use Grading Tool
How do I view past versions of submissions in Grading Tool
How do I edit the Syllabus description
How do I navigate Syllabus table and Calender
What is Syllabus
When would I use the Syllabus
Wiki tool
How do I use Image option in Wiki Tool
How do I use Modules on wiki Tool
How do I use Page Template
What is Wiki Tools
How do I change the name of my ePortfolio
How do I create a new ePortfolio
How do I create a new ePortfolio section
How do I create a new page in my ePortfolio section
How do I edit the default page in my ePortfolio section
How do I preview a page in my portfolio
What content can I add to my ePortfolio page
What is an ePortfolio
What is the ePortfolio dashboard